
We strategize the perfect career abroad solution for you.
Masters Applications and Beyond.

Founder’s Message

Bijal Gandhi

Founder | EdYou


“While pursuing my own education abroad, I was astonished at how casually career counselors were handing out ‘recommendations’ without knowing anything about me. My strategy to study in some of the best schools in France and Czech Republic was questioned by many.

It was only at the end of my education, when I was debt-free, got job offers from across the world, traveled to 20+ countries, and started a business of my own, that everyone realized the effectiveness of my unconventional approach.

The alarming lack of transparency, competence and disregard for students’ choices over profit was something I could not stand by and do nothing about. That’s why I created EdYOU Abroad, to spare students the ill-informed opinions, biases, and out-of-touch consultants who cage our dreams.

At EdYOU, we dive into your story & aspirations and focus on what you want, foremost. Our goal is to build solid academic strategies to ease your early transition to a debt-free, sustainable life.”

The Problem


Students today are increasingly making poor study-abroad choices resulting in unemployment, student debt, visa problems, dissatisfaction, and anxiety. This results from following general trends instead of realizing that their journey is unique.


How we solve it


At EdYOU, we take an individualistic approach. We don't put all students in one basket, nor provide a one-size-fits-all solution for all. We deliver an extremely personalized experience because we believe that every student is unique and so are their career trajectories.


We're more than consultants, we're friends. We get to know students and their aspirations, help them chart their career paths, and then effectively build a strategy to help them get into the best schools possible.

We're more than consultants, we're friends. We get to know students and their aspirations, help them chart their career paths, and then effectively build a strategy to help them get into the best schools possible.

Most importantly, we encourage them to make bold decisions for their careers. We never tie up with schools to secure our impartiality and stay merit-based in our selection. Our approach is honest, sincere, and straightforward.


We aren’t different,
we are better.


We never put your career at stake.

Our OCD will work for you.

We help you skip the Rat Race.

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